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Information for Participants

Who can participate? We are looking to speak with women workers in all positions who work in a women’s organization belonging to Women’s Abuse Working Group (WAWG).

Will my employer know that I participated? No. Participation in this research is voluntary and anonymous. Your name or any identifying information will not be used in this study.

What will be done with the information collected? The information you give us will inform a policy brief and academic publications.  The aim of the policy brief is to support GBV workplaces within WAWG to continue fostering environments that are healthy and supportive for BIPOC women workers. 

What will participants be asked to do? Participants will be interviewed individually about their experiences working in EDI and AO policy led women’s organizations within Hamilton.

Will I be compensated? Yes. All participants will receive $50 CAD.

How much time will it take? Interviews will be approximately 60 minutes.

How does COVID impact this study? All interviews will be conducted over zoom. There will be no in-person contact with research assistants. Participants can choose the most comfortable, quiet and private space to be interviewed. The zoom link will be provided to participants by the research coordinator or assistants.

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